My reviews lately have been post episode, but i'll do this one while watching!
- Pound and Pumpkin! <3
- Cows are Canadian in Equestria?
- Wow. That song was REALLY good! Like, REALLY good!
- LOL. Cranky Doodle Donkey! XD
- Lol! They totally went with the old school animation for Pinkie's thoughts. It's very...appropriate.
- Pinkie shaped cake batter statue? It's sort of terrifying. :p
MFW the "Dream Boat Special" is basically Stephen Magnet's hair.
- So, I paused the video when Pinkie shook the snow globe because the building looked vaguely like Foster's Home, and this is what I found: She really DOES get everywhere! I blame the Doctor!
- Ponies sitting like Lyra confirmed?
Also, she's reading Daring Do! I can't make out the title, though. I think it's Daring Do and the Sorcerer's Stone, but it looks like a chalice she's on the cover with. :p Also, the fact that i'm looking THIS much into details on a cartoon about pretty ponies makes me laugh.
- Pinkie's birthday in 75 days? On May 3rd, there shall be a party of EPIC proportions! That means her birthstone is an Emerald and her Zodiac sign in Taurus! She's stubborn enough to support that. PLUS...Taurus is an Earth sign!
- Also, the first song that wasn't the main theme during the end credits!
Wow. This was REALLY a great episode! I found myself very much enjoying this one which is sort of a surprise to me...i'm not the biggest Pinkie Pie fan out there. This episode did a lot to advance her character and show just how much she really loves her friends and other ponies in general! She gave Twilight the same sort of treatment, but now I realize that she does that to EVERYPONY!
out of
! Totally deserves it.