First off
here is the website for Gnomecon.
Gnomecon is a convention in Savannah, Georgia USA that is for gamers, sci/fi and fantasy enthusiasts, anime watchers, and now Bronies! For the bronies we will have a panel featuring:
Flamingo1986 doing a showing of the first full-length fan made episode along with a Q&A panel!
Magic: The Gathering, Pony style tournament! Pre-made decks will be provided or come with your own, pony cards only plz, more rules as the event grows closer.
My Little Pony: Roleplaying is Magic scenarios for people to experience! Pre-generated characters only, would take way too long to make a new set of characters every run through.
Currently in contact with Hasbro to see if they are interested in participating!
Also artists will be showing their work as well as selling prints and other things! Hopefully plushy makers will appear as well!
Stay tuned for more info